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- The cold

     Mithras, being in control of the water and ice that is around him, very much enjoys colder weather and being surrounded by an icy tundra. He has a think layer of fur that allows him to be protected by the frosty fangs of frostbite, as well as keep others protected if the need arose. He's always felt at home here, the breeze rushing through his fur is nothing. He can't stand the heat, either, as he would easily overheat and pass out from exhaustion much quicker. 

- Children

     Children have hit a soft spot for this guy, he adores them. They're so innocent, so fragile. They need protection; he wants to give them protection. Kids have always managed to make him smile with their love and genuine care for the world, even if they can be little snots sometimes. They have the most innocent way with the world, not understanding anything and living in their own world of fantasy. Children are a big weakness when it comes to him, whether they be human children or a young echon. He has a big heart and would always open his home to young ones.

- Flying

     Who wouldn't love the feeling of freedom that you get when you fly? Soaring above the clouds on a starless night, being able to view what was previously unseen had you been confined to the ground. He feels at ease when he flies and it's a big stress-relief activity he does if he needs to unwind or relax after something that may have caused distress that day.

- Sunrises

     If you can't find beauty in sunrises then you might not want to be around Mithras when he sees one. He'll wake up every morning just to watch the sun rise (and stays up until it sets, however he finds sunrises to be more beautiful than sunsets.) He marvels at how each day looks different when it's the same event that occurs every day, every morning,  and will continue to occur for eons. 

- Feathers

     Feathers are something that hold significant value to him as they are believed to have a charged spiritual value. In their tribe, Birds are believed to bring the spirits of the people to the spirit worlds, each bird being able to carry as many souls as they have feathers, as each soul latches onto a feather and begins their journey into the spirit realm. With each fallen feather, a spirit has been stuck to the physical realm, unable to make it to the spirit realm where they belong. So, Mithras will collect these feathers and hopes that one day he'll be able to guide them to the spirit realm.


- Wolves

   Wolves have proven to be a rather annoying nuisance in the world. More specifically, dire wolves. Dire wolves are the massive wolf beings that thrive in the forests a little flight away from where Mithras resides, which is also a place where he manages to make his hunting grounds. While yes, Direwolves can be a part of the diet for him and his rider, he's found that killing one is much more of a hassle than it's worth, and running into one definitely means there are more around. Which, unfortunately, means that the chances of being ambushed and attacked are rather high. Mithras could easily take one on, but a whole pack? No thank you

- Hunters

   It turns out that hunters are also quite a problem in the area, and they seem to be growing in numbers. Whether they're echon trappers or other game hunters, they all annoy Mithras and are extremely annoying. Not much of a danger, given the face he can easily fight them off, but hunting has become increasingly more dangerous as he tries to avoid the traps that have been set by them. One wrong move can lead to his doom.

- Cloudless nights

   He adores watching the stars dance across the night sky, performing for the moon that lights up their stage. He finds it to be a bummer when clouds ruin the show! He can easily bypass the clouds by flying over them, and he does often go for a nice night flight above the clouds, but he must return to his home eventually, which means the stars are once again hidden and he must wait for the clouds to pass.

- Doing nothing

   Mithras is the kind of guy that needs to constantly be working on something, whether he's telling himself he's standing guard or going on a hunt he hates to sit still. He is perfectly capable of doing it, he just grows bored easily and the impatient feeling of boredom nips at him until he feels like he has to do something else. This also goes for a crisis time, where they say "We need to wait it out" or something. No, he is a hands-on echon and needs to get things done immediately.

- Clutter

   Okay, yes, his hoard is rather cluttered and not exactly the easiest to navigate through, but it's a hoard! It's supposed to be a mass of treasure and riches. He absolutely despised Ausras room, as it was always such a mess when he was able to reside there. I mean really, how disgusting is it to have clothes and food thrown everywhere with no care as to where anything goes? Where is the order? Do you really like allowing chaos to control you like that?

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