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All about the power

The Perks

Mithras absolutely adores his powers; learning about them came as quite a shock to both him and his original rider. Who knew that he could do something so epic? Mithras especially adored being able to soak Ausra whenever they were messing around; his powers were a source of fun and play for him. They also have proven to be rather helpful in combat, being able to manipulate water and ice in an area surrounded by snow and ice was a blessing to him in his eyes.

This also gives him a sense of pride and uniqueness, as he has never met another echon with the same power that he has. It makes him feel special to believe that he might be the only one out there in the world with this power. It did give him a bit of an ego too, as he tends to love to try and show off with it.

While a source of entertainment for him, it also brings him the good memories of being in the tribe again. He loved to contort the water into different shapes and, with enough concentration, make them move and do various activities to entertain the village kids. He was loved and adored by so many, and this only made them love and adore him more. Because of this power, they revered him as a god in disguise, believing he would protect them and all would always be well.

All power comes with a price

You will never find anything in the world that is free, and this includes his powers. There are a few setbacks to his power, just as you'd expect with any power.

For starters, he cant control a massive amount of water at a time. If he tried, it would put such a strain on his body that he would end up passing out, and it wouldn't be good for anyone. The massive brute learned this the hard way.

To continue, medium sized and more complicated ways of bending it around require different levels of concentration. He doesn't necessarily have a hard time concentrating, but he does tend to look around or switch his focus at random times, which leads to the unfortunate falling of water all over gosh knows what.

The third setback that he has discovered is that he cant just create water out of thin air. There has to be water already around him in some way shape or form, and if there isn't, then his powers are completely useless. After all, you cant make something out of nothing.

The final setback is that, during the day, his powers seem to be weaker. He has found that his power rises with the moon, and decreases with the sun. This doesn't bother him too much, he just finds it more annoying than anything.

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